
Archangel Sandalphon is with you right now — he wants you to know that your wishes, dreams, and prayers never fall on deaf ears. Even if you feel like you’ve been asking for the same things over and over, Sandalphon sends the message that not all prayers are in your best interest.

Sandalphon is actually one of the angels who acts as a conduit between heaven and earth. He helps you to interpret what you want versus what you need. He’s deeply invested in helping you connect to your highest self and grants you wishes that are only in the highest alignment with your mind, body, and spirit.

Angel Sandalphon reviews your soul’s Akashic Records to determine what it is that can best support you. He doesn’t want you to ever forget that you’re a beautiful soul with much to offer. In times like these, he comes to remind you of your personal power so that you can continue to take control of your life!