
Love is surrounding you right now!

Archangel Raguel is sending the exciting message that you will be running into a new soul family member very soon. Raguel shows up when it’s time to develop genuine, purposeful connections.

Even though you may have felt alone once before, you knew that it was better to be alone briefly than to settle for connections that didn’t really serve you. Your trust and faith in the Universe is about to be rewarded!

Raguel’s name literally means “Friend of God.” Only those that are in alignment with who you’re becoming, people who support your soul purpose, and can love you for who you truly are will be showing up now. Take note of who you meet at this time — they’re meant to be in your life!

Today’s reading is a reminder that when you set and keep boundaries from old connections that no longer serve you, Archangel Raguel will, without a doubt, guide new soul family members into your life.