
Archangel Jophiel is showing up for you today — she is so proud of how far you have come!

Jophiel is one of the seven principle archangels and her gifts are centered around bringing beauty to any and all aspects of life.

Of course, you know that beauty starts from within as your thoughts and innerspace create your reality and outer space all around you.

Jophiel is so pleased to see that you’ve been consciously creating calmness, peace, and pleasure in your life. It’s being reflected in your environment. She loves the essence so much that her angelic presence is drawn to it!

It feels as though you’re ready to level up in your life and Archangel Jophiel is here to assist you in this time.

Jophiel wants you to continue to enjoy the beauty in life, to feel beautiful in your own skin, and see the beauty around you in everyone else.

Ask her for assistance in helping to reduce clutter and create spaces that support you in the work you’ve come to do in the world, including creating sacred spaces for you to take the time to sit and meditate, pray, or commune with the divine to continue raising your frequency.