
Archangel Gabriel — one of the fiercest angels of the spirit realm — is sending a strong message for you today. He knows that you are on the verge of sharing your talents, but you might be afraid to take that leap.

Archangel Gabriel the motivational coach that you never had. He’s not going to let you settle for what’s already in your comfort zone. Although uncomfortable or even a little bit scary, relax knowing that you’re being supported in so many ways!

It’s important that you continue to move forward with courage because humanity needs more people to shine their unique light — especially you! Gabriel will give you the confidence to pursue your divine mission in the world if you are open to receiving his energy healing.

Let the overwhelm melt away from you as he makes his presence known to you. Everything will be fine.

Ask Gabriel to rid your fear of failing, fear of what others might say, fear of messing up, and even fear of what it means if you actually succeed!