Have no fear! The sacred message of big change is here with the number 5 showing up for you today. These changes are for your highest good!

The force behind the number 5 brings forth the opportunity to quantum leap into the next phase of your life. You’ve already decided on a subconscious level that you’re ready for something new — something different.

The way things have been going haven’t satisfied you on a mental level, spiritual level, or emotional level.

It’s time for a change. Don’t resist it.

The sacred message behind number 5 is that of authenticity, individuality, creativity, and even rebellion. If you’ve been feeling boxed in or fear judgement of what it is that you really want to pursue, the number 5 is urging you to take steps in expressing your true self.

When you see the number 5 repeatedly today, lean into the changes that might present themselves. Your guides are actually making a way for you to shine your light authentically in realms that you can’t even see.